Wednesday, June 10, 2009


At least once a year I change the layout of my bedroom. My mom can attest to a child I was constantly wanting to move my bed and furniture and of course couldn't do it myself. The upside of all of this shuffling around is that junk gets thrown out and dust bunnies vacuumed. So, today was that day of the year. I'm blaming it on long days and iced coffee after dinner...I had just enough motivation and energy to flip my bed around swap my dresser and keyboard and throw a bit of junk out in the freshly emptied garbage can...and boy does it feel good! I'm not so satisfied with the placement of the keyboard, but my coat rack is a bit of an obstacle. Next I am going to add some new picture frames. I put up two today - a double picture frame with a sunset on the farm and picture of the barn, the other a view of the beach and a handful of shells. The coffee buzz isn't gone maybe I'll study some vocab for the GRE...


savvy stitch said...

Bekah and her coffee buzzes! I can see it now!

Anonymous said...

You, Kendra and Jennie can come redecorate my house any time you want :-)
Feel free to get rid of all the golden bunnies too!


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