Sunday, June 07, 2009


Graduation day...a time to remember the past and look ahead to the future. I attended my final graduation as a faculty member of SCS and I was sick as a dog, but that didn't stop me from being in that moment of change...reminiscing about friends, adventures, successes and then dreaming about the life to come outside of our parents grasp.

As I listened to the valedictory addresses, Mr. Johnson's commencement speech and the senior bios I was struck by the community that is created at SCS by the parents, students, and faculty. A community where we are working together towards transparency and love. A community where we stand by one another in triumphs and trials. A community where we encourage one another through words and selfless actions. A community where the hope of Christ is being manifested through genuine relationships.

When I take the time to reflect and take in my surroundings as a member of this school community the above characteristics are overwhelmingly apparent. However, most of my days teaching there is no obvious time for reflection, for clarifying my role, for appreciating the individuals - staff, parents, students for their diverse gifts and talents.

But now I take the time, and now I am encouraged by the way the Christian faith is taught and lived out amongst this community. It encourages me and gives me hope for our youth today - that they will continue to build and create this community as they leave the walls of SC and venture out into the lives God has called them to lead.

It is always surprising...those moments when God meets you where you are.

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