Saturday, September 11, 2010

pacific northwest

I missed the beautiful pacific northwest, my friends and family, while in Uganda and now that I am home, I miss the beauty and people of Uganda. Completely different climates and scenery, but the people are the same both here and there; genuine, loving and generous.

I've been home just over a month and have already started a new job teaching high school science and seventh grade math...yes, my first time in the classroom with loving and hyperactive sevies :)

I've celebrated a good friend's wedding, hiked in the cascades, spent a day in the OR at Harrison (shadowing, not on the table), moved to Bremerton and relaxed in Packwood.

What a blessing to be home with family and friends and to have had the chance to live among the beautiful people of Uganda. Life is never dull...always a new adventure around the corner.

1 comment:

savvy stitch said...

I miss you SO MUCH. Please, please, please come visit us!!! This pic is incredible and is making me home sick. xxoo


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