Thursday, February 21, 2013

God knows exactly what we need

My friend Malia reminded me recently that it has been too long since I have updated my blog. I have to agree. The last post was from September 1st...almost 6 months ago. Some seasons of life are busier than others and sometimes we need to rest from certain activities. While a blog is a good way for friends and family to keep up to date on your life, I find that I enjoy taking the time to reflect and process my thoughts through writing. This week I have a bit of extra time due to basketball season ending a  4 day vacation from week, in California...kind of funny to me :) so I thought I would put down some thoughts

The past six months have been good, but tiring...I'm ready for a new season to start.
Some highlights:

  • I became an official member of my church, The Resolved, after participating in an eight week long membership class 
  • Blessed to be the girls varsity assistant basketball coach at school! Spent hours with the girls developing basketball skills and making fun rides, tournament in Vegas, team dinners...we just finished the season and made it to the first round of playoffs! 
  • Trips home at both Thanksgiving and Christmas to visit family and friends...definitely need these times to make the distance more tolerable :)
  • Continue to be challenged in my teaching job - how to challenge my students to grow spiritually and academically
  • Blessed to be dating a man that I admire and respect because of his faith and love for the Lord
  • Thankful for my church community that I meet with on a weekly basis that encourages me to live out my faith in a way that brings glory to God.
Some members of my community group started a two year Bible reading plan this January and I decided to give it a shot...I mean I usually make it through Genesis, but then fall behind to the point of despair and just give up altogether. However, this time it's different. I have a greater appreciation and hunger for reading God's word as a source of life and truth and I'm committed to the plan with others. This week I spent time catching up on Exodus and was convicted of my lack of discipline...not only in my spiritual life, but in my personal/work life as well. I desire to be a disciplined person who devises, commits and follows through...this Bible reading plan is one way in which God can help develop this attribute in me. 

As I was reading in Exodus today, I was reminded that God knows exactly what we need and has plans to provide and care for us...that we don't need to try and devise our own plans. Moses had gone up Mt. Sinai to meet with God and during those 40 days God described to him the plans for the Tabernacle, which would be a dwelling place for Him among the Israelites; a tangible way for the people to see that He is their God and is with them. However, 40 days is a long time to wait. The Israelites grew restless and asked Aaron to provide tangible gods to be worshipped. They gathered gold and shaped it into a calf that they could physically see and identify with and then gave this idol the glory for delivering them out of Egypt...sounds silly and faithless, especially considering that at the same time God was revealing intricate and ornate plans to make his own dwelling place among them to Moses. God knew that the Israelites needed a physical representation of his presence and had plans to provide just what they needed, but their lack of discipline, patience and belief led them astray to make and worship their own devices.  

God knows best; he has plans to provide for us, to protect us and shape us into a people that carry out his purposes to reveal his glory. I desire to believe this more, to be patient in the times of waiting as God reveals his plan; to trust him more...that he will provide just what I need, when I need it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, Bekah! I love your writing!


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